Monday, April 20, 2015

More news from 1 de Mayo

Hi Everyone,

It still continues to be super hot.

Hna Martinez and I went to a wax musuem today. We decided to do something cool this week because this is most likely my last week here in 1 de Mayo and who knows if I´ll stay here in the port or go foreign (I really want to go to Los Tuxtlas).

It was a good week. We have a new person we´re teaching named R. She´s 30 years old and has this almost 3 year old daughter J. who is a ball of energy. We were lucky to have one lesson this week where J. was napping for the most part of the time. We found her on Sunday and made an appointment with her later that day, and we´ve seen her throughout the week. It´s neat teaching her, and different than teaching others before. She came to church with us on Sunday and we thought she was only going to stay the first hour.  She ended up staying all 3 and said she thought it was all really beautiful. This morning when we walking down the street in journey to the bus stop for the wax museum (it´s  a 10 minute walk because it´s at the beach) J was outside and greeted us. She greeted again, and us again.  Then this man greeted us from some house nearby.  That was kind of funny.

Also because I feel like this will be my last week, we decided to walk to the beach this morning. We got up half an hour earlier so we could have a good amount of time there. It´s a little darker now in the morning because of the time change. It was beautiful to watch night to day. It makes me think of Alma 30:44 when Alma talks to Korihor testifying that there is a Christ, one thing being the world, the sun, planets, stars all around us. I have that scripture on the little box I made to protect my scriptures.

I´m now in the middle of the Book of Mormon and it is my goal to finish it before the end of the transfer. So basically I need to finish it on my birthday. A wonderful birthday gift to me. I love learning and I get sad when the prophets are sad and happy when they are happy.

This week Hna Martinez and I wanted to set up a FHE at the chapel with the Elders. We had that Saturday night. The Elders were in charge of the lesson and us in charge of the game. So Saturday came and we still had no idea what to do with the game and planning what to do while the Elders gave their lesson. They taught about the Plan of Salvation. We were given the idea of telephone by Julio and a game of blowing flour out of a cup to find a little reward at the end. We were trying to think of how to relate it the the gospel... and somehow we got an awesome idea. We added a third component. There is a blindfolded person and they have to go through an obstacle course with someone at the other end guiding them. At the same time other people are trying to distract them. We gave a scripture about the Holy Ghost that had to get passed down to the end. In the game of blowing flour out of the cup, the people had to cover their eyes so flour wouldn´t get in.

 God´s plan for us is a great plan and in order to carry out the things that He wants us to achieve, He´s provided the Holy Ghost to help guide us. Lots of the times, we´re not exactly sure what´s at the end of something we´re experiencing, whether it be easy or difficult, but even when we can´t see it through the journey  we´ve got to keep pushing on to the end to find that prize. (the flour in the cup game). When we´re on the road of life, there are lots of distractions. A lot. We need to stay firm and listen always to that one voice that will lead us home.   One thing I found interesting, even though I have more than a year of speaking Spanish, some things can still be a little difficult to explain. Like the activities we had the people do. I started trying to explain the activities part and how they related to our little message but I had a little difficulty so I had Hna Martinez take over. After she explained why we did said activities, I bore my testimony. That I was able to do. Today when I was reflecting on that, I thought of something Mom told me when I first got here frustrated because I couldn´t almost speak a thing.... she told me that as long as I had my testimony and I could share it, that was the most important thing. Thus it is now. I am a whole lot better at speaking Spanish, but with the things I lack, my testimony comes in its place.

Take Care Everyone,

Hermana Jones


Wax museum     

Wax Museum     

Wax Museum     

Golden Investigator    


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